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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lava Cake....

I used to make these really splendid little molten chocolate cakes...back when I was a non-vegan... (when was that, when I was....normal?? ;) so honestly, I still think of them with glistening eyes, remembering their chocolatey goodness pouring out of a perfectly baked little chocolate cake....ahh. heavenly.

SO. I was fantastically suprised to find a recipe for pretty much the same dish in my cookbook!

Chocolate Cake with Truffle Molten Center and Gluhwein-stewed Berries with Spiced Wine

And they really weren't that complicated! ;) The berries were simmered with red wine and various spices, then thickened with a little cornstarch, and placed under the cake for plating. For making the 'truffles' - I melted some vegan chocolate, mixed it up, and shaped it into little balls, and froze them. When the batter was ready, I just pressed them into the centers, and after they were finished baking, they had all melted in. It was really fantabulous.

I believe my next recipe shall be Warm Venezuelan Chocolate Cake with Merlot-Infused Cherries, Lemon Bergamot, and Chocolate Gelato.

